Special Sabbath Series
About the Event
Shalem Health Retreat invites you to join the special sabbath series 2023 to meet and exhort each other as we study and uplift – Christ our Righteousness.
The following Special Sabbath dates are proposed along with the pre-reading SOP material associated with each event for group interaction:
15 April 23 – Faith and Works
13 May 23 – Sanctified Life
8 July 23 – Last Day Events I
5 August 23 – Last Day Events II
28 October 23 - Heaven
Each event will be based on interactive group participation to review and discuss the key points in the SOP materials. It will be a time for fellowship, discussion and prayer as we seek to know and understand our Creator, Redeemer, Saviour, High Priest and King.
We recommend that you bring your own food / drink and provisions to these events. It is also envisaged that some of these events may be held at other venues, outside of Shalem, yet to be advised.
Before each event Shalem will send out a study guide to assist in reading and preparing for interaction and participation at each event
We have chosen EGW books that talk about the plan of redemption from the first step to Christ until our entrance back to heaven.
The spirit of prophecy books and study guides are suggested readings so that we can be united in our understanding of the process of salvation and help us participate in the discussions
Click here to see EGW books - https://whiteestate.org/books/egw-books/books/
EGW Study Guides are available in this link:
Below are the link for the specific topics for our series:
Steps to Christ - https://media2.whiteestate.org/legacy/guides/SC.pdf
Faith and Works - https://media2.whiteestate.org/legacy/guides/FW.pdf
Sanctified Life - https://media2.whiteestate.org/legacy/guides/SL.pdf
Last Day Events - https://media2.whiteestate.org/legacy/guides/LDE.pdf
Heaven - no available study guide
Accomodation and Food
Accomodation - This is a free event for all to come and attend except for those who avail of our accomodation services:
The cost below are the suggested donations to help maintain our facilities:
$100/Room - Health Centre Rooms
$40/Caravan - Shalem Caravan onsite
$25/vehicle - Bring your own caravan/campervan/camper trailer
Our media team is working to make it available on zoom.
Food - bring your own. There is a basket lunch on Sunday.
Register here
Guides for Personal Study and Group Discussion
Each time you study, pray for discernment and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Approach your study with an open mind. Avoid preconceived ideas that may have a negative influence on your search for truth.
Read each question slowly, taking extra time to contemplate and understand it. This will result in the greatest benefit from your study.
Use any Bible to look up the reference text used by Ellen White. Read the reference and surrounding texts to gain an understanding of their context. Write a concise answer on the blanks provided in your study guide. For a deeper understanding, read and compare the reference and related texts in multiple versions of Scripture. Use a concordance, column references, and a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words and search for other related texts.
Reread the question and your answer, then read the pages the guide refers to contain the answer. Contemplate the significance of what you have just studied and ask for wisdom from the Lord to help you know how to apply it to your life.
It is our prayer that you will continue to study God’s Word.
Use audiobooks to listen to God's counsels. Click here (https://whiteestate.org/books/egw-audiobooks/)
It is important to appoint an individual to lead your study group. This individual’s responsibility is to keep the discussion objective and encourage participation.
Make a group decision whether to include outside materials in your study sessions. As a rule, study time will be the most fruitful when the focus is on Biblical references.
Encourage each member of your group to study the lesson prior to meeting. This will result in the greatest benefit to each individual as well as enhancing his/her ability to participate in discussion.
Each time you meet, always invite the Lord to be present in your study session and the Holy Spirit to be your guide.
The group leader may read or appoint another member of the group to read the questions.
The group leader can ask for volunteers to give the answer and related EGW commentary. When time allows, ask for answers derived from various translations to increase participation and understanding.
The facilitators are encouraged to answer the study guide and present selected questions taken from the steps to Christ study guide book for discussion starters. The questions should be selected such that the key points of the chapters he is assigned are well covered.
Facilitators can also make up their own questions to use as discussion starters based on the Bible texts used by Ellen white in each specific chapter and present the text as an answer so that the answer comes directly from the Bible. To see an example see this link https://www.revelationpublications.com/docs/samplelessons/STC_-_contemp_lesson_1.pdf
The most benefit will be gained if the leader does not lecture the group but rather leads it. Each member of the group should be encouraged to participate in the capacity he/she is comfortable with. One member of the group should not dominate the discussion. Encourage sensitivity to the feelings and opinions of others even in disagreement.
Have a time at the beginning or end of your session for brief testimonies. This can be general or limited to the subject matter being studied.